Monday, November 25, 2019


Matthew 10:24-25                                  (ESV)
“24 "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his “MASTER”.
25 It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his “MASTER”. If they have called the “MASTER” of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.”

According to one Bible Dictionary, these are a couple of definitions about the word MASTER:

M`ASTER, n. L. magister, compounded of the root of magis, major, greater.
  1. One who rules, governs or directs either men or business. A man who owns slaves is their master; he who has servants is their master; he who has apprentices is their master, as he has the government and direction of them. The man who superintends and directs any business, is master, or master workman.

  1. One who has possession, and the power of controlling or using at pleasure.  

When we yield to JESUS as LORD over our lives, we in essence acknowledge HIM as the commander of the direction for our lives.  In January 1978 I could SEE that I wasn’t capable of directing my “ship”, but there are times when I don’t realize that I am STILL IN CONTROL of decisions about where I am headed.  Why do I continually think that I am able to keep my “ship” on course when I make such terrible choices???

JESUS was teaching HIS disciples to be aware of their surroundings, but also to yield to HIS leadership in their lives.  In Matthew 10:16 HE told them “"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be WISE AS SERPENTS and INNOCENT AS DOVES.”  We are to learn how to avoid traps that are in our path, but we are also allow HIM to direct us through certain storms, WITH CONFIDENCE that HE is IN CONTROL!  

JESUS is the true “MASTER”, AND I AM NOT!  Years ago, when I was very young in my walk with CHRIST, I used the analogy of being the captain of a ship and piloting the ship directly into a storm, only to yield to JESUS when it became more than I could handle.  JESUS wants to guide my “ship” on the smooth seas to keep me out of the storms that I don’t have to go through, not simply to bail me out of trouble.  

But my natural man hasn’t developed a TRUST in HIM to allow HIS SPIRIT to be the “MASTER” of my ship at times.  My Spiritual man has yielded to HIM, and I am maturing daily to eliminate the natural man.  A lot of the time I operate in the FLESH, doing what “I think” is the best thing to do, when HE is trying to get me to do what HIS SPIRIT is leading me to do.  When the LORD guides me into ANY situation, I am better off than trying to navigate on my own, even on smooth water.  Allowing the “MASTER” to pilot my life is the only way for me to go!!!

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