Monday, October 12, 2020


 Mark 12:38-40                            (ESV)

“38 And in HIS teaching HE said, "”BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES”, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces

39 and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts,

40 who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. THEY WILL RECEIVE THE GREATER CONDEMNATION."”

While in my schooling years I was exposed to some very talented teachers, but most of the time I did my best to avoid learning.  Several of the teachers I had were great, but NONE had the ability to mesmerize like THE LORD JESUS did!  GOD IN THE FLESH was/is aware of our hearts intents, and HE freely gives WISDOM to those who request (James 1:5)!  

In the three verses above JESUS explicitly informs those listening to “BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES”.  HE KNEW THE HEARTS of THE SCRIBES and HE advised those who were LISTENING to be extremely cautious with the message received from them.  Why should THE SCRIBES, who were entrusted with printing THE WORD OF GOD, be CALLED OUT by a simple carpenter’s son?  

JESUS is THE WORD (John 1:1), but is often not sought for ANSWERS to the problems of life!  When HE warned to “BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES”, HE wasn’t just singling our a certain profession, JESUS was alerting us of Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, AND DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING!”  THE SCRIBES were well educated for the times they existed, but man’s education is futile when dealing with Spiritual matters!  They were EXPOSED to THE WORD, but refused to HEAR with their HEARTS!  NO ONE can come to JESUS UNLESS THE FATHER draw him (John 6:44)!

The human who THINKS that they are “good enough” to enter Heaven through his own merits is liken to a blind person who had never seen!  They are unaware of SEEING TRUTH!  AND unless THE FATHER draws them, they will NEVER SEE TRUTH!  “BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES”, for they will try to convince you to follow their misguided route to damnation!  “BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES” for they are headed to destruction and they can’t even SEE it!!!

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