Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 Exodus 5:22-6:2                                                (ESV)

“22 Then Moses turned to the LORD and said, "O LORD, why have YOU done evil to this people? WHY DID YOU EVER SEND ME?

23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in YOUR name, he has done evil to this people, and YOU have not delivered YOUR people AT ALL."

1 But the LORD said to Moses, "Now YOU SHALL SEE what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land."

2 GOD spoke to Moses and said to him, "I AM THE LORD.”

During a recent Bible Study a statement was made that has remained in my mind and ultimately caused me to agree with that which was spoken.  Although I am unable to quote the sentence, the gist of it says that GOD preordaining multiple facets of several peoples lives (HIS PROVIDENCE) to work in concert for HIS GOOD is more awe inspiring than random MIRACLES HE performs.  The Brain Hemorrhage I experienced on July 9, 2007 is a prime example.  A friend had requested that I write a letter in 2002 (five years prior) supporting a transfer of a Neurologist to our city and that Neurologist assisted in saving my life in 2007!  All of the intricacies are not allowed for the sake of time, but GOD’s HAND had to be all over those events to achieve the outcome that is NOW EVIDENCE!

In the passage of Scripture above, Moses was in a frustrating and trying time!  He had NOT SEEN EVIDENCE that GOD was working behind the scenes.  But GOD doesn’t need us to be able to SEE HIS HANDIWORK as EVIDENCE of HIS PRESENCE.  “WHY DID YOU EVER SEND ME” was the question Moses posed to ALMIGHTY GOD.  The Israelites were experiencing the brutality of Pharaoh, and it APPEARED as though they were not being taken care of by our CREATOR.  Nothing Moses said or did seemed to be doing anything positive for the KINGDOM.  But all of that would DUE TIME!

In Exodus 6:1 ALMIGHTY GOD says to Moses “Now YOU SHALL SEE what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.”  The Israelites were “ran out” of Egypt in chapter 13 of Exodus, but only after they “plundered” (Exodus 13:33) their captors.  GOD was working HIS PROVIDENCE and HE was doing it so MAGNANIMOUSLY that everyone could SEE that IT HAD TO BE GOD!  THERE WAS NO DOUBT!!!

On September 25, 2007 my doctor wrote on my medical records “However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from God!”  Everyone who was exposed to the events of the previous two months could SEE the HAND OF GOD working in the recovery.  Words were not coming fluently in these times, but GOD’S intervention needed no interference nor assistance.  When “I AM THE LORD” has a PLAN that comes together for HIS GLORY, WORDS cannot do HIM justice!!!

GOD works differently in every life.  “I AM THE LORD” is always WORKING, even when we are unaware of HIS actions.  When THE UNIMAGINABLE occurs, we tend to be in awe.  We should remember that “I AM THE LORD” is in control, and HE excels in the IMPOSSIBLE!”  We ALL need to acknowledge “I AM THE LORD” in our lives and be thankful for the next breath HE gives us.  “I AM THE LORD” is worthy to be praised!!!

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