Friday, August 27, 2021


 Isaiah 53:1-3                           (ESV)

     [1] Who has believed what he has heard from us?

        And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? 


    For HE grew up before HIM like a young plant,

        and like a root out of dry ground;

    HE HAD NO FORM OR MAJESTY that we should look at HIM,

        and NO BEAUTY that we should desire HIM. 


    “HE WAS DESPISED” and REJECTED by men,

        a MAN OF SORROWS man of sorrows and ACQUAINTED WITH GRIEF;

    and as one from whom men hide their faces

        “HE WAS DESPISED”, and we esteemed HIM not.”

The enemy is extremely suave, debonair and deceptive in his ways, leading the vast majority of humans down the road to destruction. On the other hand, according to Scripture, JESUS HAD NO FORM OR MAJESTY that we should “look at HIM” like people gaze at models in advertisements. As a matter of fact, “HE WAS DESPISED” by the crowd so much that HE was crucified for doing nothing but good for HIS fellow man, but wreaking havoc amongst “this world”!

Typically we make such a big deal about how things “appear” to our human eyes.  If a person “appears” weak or unhealthy we might even suggest that they see a physician.  If a person “appears” physically in distress we might suggest some water to drink.  But how we “appear” might not be what we really are.  Some are even very adept at camouflaging their emotional pain so that no one is aware of the situation they are dealing with.

According to Scripture, JESUS wasn’t a handsome looking man.  HE was TRUTH (John 14:6) and that probably made HIM even more certain to be REJECTED by “this world”.  The TRUTH is that we are ALL filthy sinners (Psalm 14:3; Ecclesiastes 7:20), and we NEED a Savior to enter the PRESENCE of GOD ALMIGHTY!  The ONLY WAY (John 14:6) that is possible is through JESUS CHRIST!

It has been said that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.  The ONE WHO gets to determine whether or not anyone gets to SEE THE FATHER is NOT the great deceiver.  He is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44) so don’t listen to his demagoguery.  When we listen to lies, we become desensitized to TRUTH and begin to accept lies.  Knowing that “HE WAS DESPISED” needs to be a badge of honor worn by HIS SAINTS as we are becoming more like HIM!!!

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