Monday, August 23, 2021


 John 2:1-5                                        (ESV)

The Wedding at Cana

“[1] On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of JESUS was there. [2] JESUS also was invited to the wedding WITH HIS DISCIPLES. [3] “WHEN THE WINE RAN OUT”, the mother of JESUS said to HIM, “They have no wine.” [4] And JESUS said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with ME? MY HOUR HAS NOT YET COME.” [5] HIS mother said to the servants, “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU.””

JESUS was only on earth IN PHYSICAL FORM for 33 years, and HIS MINISTRY lasted a little more than three years.  JESUS “chosen” HIS disciples, and according to John 2:1, three days later went to a wedding in Cana, WITH HIS DISCIPLES.  Now HIS mother was at the wedding helping and HIS disciples were there.  What better time could it be for JESUS to make HIMSELF known to “this world”?

When Mary came to JESUS and proclaimed “They have no wine”, the embarrassment for hosts of the wedding feast must have been immense.  But Mary must have remembered Gabriel speaking to her in Luke 1 when he told her that she was carrying the SON OF GOD within her womb?  She apparently had NO DOUBT that producing a little wine would be no problem for the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES!  JESUS, WHO IS THE SON OF GOD, told her “MY HOUR HAS NOT YET COME”, but she simply told the servants “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU”!

My thoughts are numerous regarding these things.  If Mary ask KNEW that JESUS was the SON OF GOD, why didn’t she just order up what they needed before the wedding celebration began and everything would have been taken care of?  Why did she wait until JESUS was “on the spot” to deliver?  Why do I do the same thing with things in my life?  Since I have HIS SPIRIT living inside of me, why do I wait until a crisis presents itself before begging for HIS intervention?  

“WHEN THE WINE RAN OUT” there was about to be a serious problem for the hosts of the wedding.  The ministry of JESUS wasn’t nearly as much about the needs of the people who benefited from HIS MIRACULOUS deeds, but about GLORIFYING THE FATHER!  Our “needs” are most often brought on by our incompetence and ignorance, but JESUS stands ready to deliver us, but we need to understand that HE IS THE SON OF GOD, and GOD’S WILL is HIS work!!!

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