Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Philippians 4:7 

Finally, brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE, whatever is JUST, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is COMMENDABLE, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, “THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS”!!!

Recently I found myself perusing a social media site, wasting time during the last hour of the workday.  That convicted me about why I wasn’t reading from the HOLY BIBLE or praying to our CREATOR?  

We only have a few short years to inhabit this earth, so why do we waste so much time on things with no eternal significance?  My sixty first birthday is coming up very quickly. Many aren’t afforded the privilege of seeing 61 years.  My little sister barely made it to 34 years old.  Why do we “choose” to live in turmoil when Scripture instructs us to “THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS”?  These things are TRUE, JUST, PURE , LOVELY and COMMENDABLE.  These things are NOT the opinions of others, the soap operas shared on social media sites, and the people who downgrade others because they live differently than they do.  

Maybe I should try more to spend more time on things that are TRUE, JUST, PURE , LOVELY and COMMENDABLE than things of “this world”, such as social media???  Watching the stress, negativity and disunity b removed from my life would certainly be worth it!  “THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS” is definitely where I need to start!!!

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