Thursday, January 13, 2022


 Psalm 27:4                            (ESV)

    “[4] One thing have I asked of the LORD,

        that will I seek after:

    that I may dwell in the house of the LORD


    to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD

        and to inquire in HIS temple.”

Recently I shared Proverbs 17:28 (ESV) which says “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.”  For the most part, Proverbs was written by King Solomon, a child of King David.  The focal verse that GOD is speaking to me today is written by King David, and it was probably during a “quiet time” when he would do his reflections from THE ALMIGHTY.  A “quiet time” can be missed because we misunderstand what it is exactly that GOD is wanting us to accomplish?  HE is able to achieve HIS Purpose WITH or WITHOUT us, and we are NOT required to be expecting to hear from HIM!  Being CHOSEN by ALMIGHTY GOD is a privilege unlike any other.  

We can become so successful in life, business, and “this world” in general, that we might THINK “we don’t have time” to listen to and for ALMIGHTY GOD.  When I really think it through, what can be more important than HEARING from the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES?  King David apparently UNDERSTOOD that and he MADE TIME to hear from GOD, AND wrote down what he heard a lot of times!  Because of the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007, I am required to write things down that I previously would “try to remember”.  When I write things down (typing), it causes me to SLOW DOWN and get the RIGHT words that will Glorify GOD…..most of the time!

My mornings are typically spent BY MYSELF, secluded from the interruptions of “this world”.  There are times though when I am too “busy” (in my mind) to listen to and for ALMIGHTY GOD.  What do I perceive is so important that I choose hearing from rather than hearing from MY CREATOR?  Anxiety, stress, and discontent are tools that “the enemy” uses to cloud our judgment and decision making abilities.  

Allotting time for THE LORD “should be” our most urgent task EVERY DAY!  Unbelievably though, we allow the cares of “this world” to dominate our thoughts and minds.  To say that I am not the smartest man is probably a GROSS understatement, but the SPIRIT OF GOD directs me to SLOW DOWN at times, leading me “beside the still waters” (Psalm 23:2) where I can fellowship with HIM.  May I seek HIM “ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE” and avoid the demands of “this world”!!!

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