Friday, January 28, 2022


 John 4:23-26                              (ESV)

“[23] But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in spirit and truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship HIM. [24] GOD is spirit, and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth.” [25] The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (HE WHO is called CHRIST). When HE comes, HE will tell us all things.” [26] JESUS said to her, “”I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE”.””

When I finish writing my Bible Study for the day, my normal task includes prayer time where I lay on an “orthotic” for 20 minutes and 22 seconds…..THIS YEAR!  Next year it will be 20 minutes 23 seconds!  Yesterday during the 20 minutes 22 seconds my mind was ruminating the verses I had just finished writing about, when I decided to see what a Bible Commentary says regarding John 4:26, especially the portion that says “I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE!”  It doesn’t take much, but my mind was caused to PAUSE over the findings!

While meditating on “I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE” I was left why the letter “S” wasn’t behind the word SPEAK?  Is that simply a misprint that was omitted from the text?  I looked at the commentary again and it had “see ( Isaiah 52:6 )”!  Isaiah 52:6 says “Therefore my people shall know MY name. Therefore in that day they shall know that it is I WHO “speak”; here I AM.”  THE word “speak” again has no “S” at the end of the word.  The verse is spoken by “the LORD” (Isaiah 52:3) so it is CLEAR to this servant that when “the LORD” comes to a human, HIS method of communication is to SPEAK HIS WORD because HIS WORD is ALL inclusive and needs no eloquent commentary to get HIS MESSAGE across!  

ALMIGHTY GOD is “I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE”!  Whether it is through JESUS the CHRIST, the HOLY SPIRIT, or THE ALMIGHTY could be directly speaking, we must understand that GOD CREATED not only the UNIVERSES, HE also CREATED we who HE gives breath (Isaiah 42:5) to the people!  When we need to accentuate a point, it must have the precise wording to get the desired point across.  When GOD ALMIGHTY, JESUS the CHRIST, or the HOLY SPIRIT needs to accentuate HIS WORD, HE is only required to SPEAK!!! 

There is no easy explanation for a single letter (“S”) not being used multiple times in Scripture other than it being GOD speaking!  “I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE” does not require superfluity to be understood.  When “I WHO SPEAK TO YOU AM HE” we would be wise enough to “listen and obey”, for HE IS THE GREAT I AM!!!

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