Saturday, January 8, 2022


 Psalm 50:7-15                              (ESV)

    [7] “Hear, O MY people, and I will speak;

        O Israel, I will testify against you.

        I AM GOD, your GOD. 

    [8] Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you;

        your burnt offerings are continually before me. 

    [9] I will not accept a bull from your house

        or goats from your folds. 

    [10] For every beast of the forest is mine,

        the cattle on a thousand hills. 

    [11] I know all the birds of the hills,

        and all that moves in the field is mine.

    [12] “If I were hungry, I would not tell you,

        for the world and its fullness are mine. 

    [13] Do I eat the flesh of bulls

        or drink the blood of goats? 

    [14] Offer to GOD a sacrifice of thanksgiving,

        and perform your vows to the MOST HIGH, 

    [15] and call upon me in the day of trouble;

        I will deliver you AND “YOU SHALL GLORIFY ME”.”

When I had the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007, it wasn’t as if I had ANYTHING to do with getting to “the other side” with no physical disabilities.  My doctor even wrote in my medical records about one month following my release from the Rehabilitation Hospital, “The fact that he has recovered the way he has is nothing short of a miracle from GOD"!  

I have seemingly always been one to offer “my help”, even though ALMIGHTY GOD doesn’t require (and sometimes desire) any human assistance.  Most humans seem to have the opinion that if GOD wants something done, HE “needs” us to do it for HIM!  My doctor has verbally expressed to me more than once that GOD was the reason that I survived and flourished following the Hemorrhage.  GOD, at times, allows us to BE USED by HIM so that we can GLORIFY HIM “on the other side”!  

If we are assigned a task to perform when GOD supernaturally, and without any assistance, does what ONLY HE is able to do, “YOU SHALL GLORIFY ME” is probably near the top!  Who assisted GOD when HE was CREATING the worlds?  Who raised JESUS from the dead after HIS sacrificial death for my sins on Calvary?  And although many have assisted me since, nobody other than GOD THE CREATOR brought me through “the valley of the shadow of death”!  

Even though my recovery was miraculous and beyond anything that mankind was able to take credit for, there is NOTHING that the very capable doctors were able to do that saved my life!  I will PRAISE HIM because HIS WORD says “YOU SHALL GLORIFY ME”!!!

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