Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 Mark 1:9-13                         (ESV)

“[9] In those days JESUS came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. [10] And when HE came up out of the water, immediately HE saw the heavens being torn open and “THE SPIRIT” descending on HIM like a dove. [11] And a VOICE came from heaven, “YOU are MY beloved SON; with YOU I am well pleased.” [12] “THE SPIRIT” immediately drove HIM out into the wilderness. [13] And HE was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And HE was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to HIM.”

Being a part of social media exposes our lives to scrutiny and perceptions that can be mistaken from what is actually happening.  A friend was recently inquiring about a purchase of a item he supposedly needed in his life.  Whether he actually “needs” the item or not isn’t the point of this discussion, it is whether or not Believers yield to earthly ideas rather than simply doing what “THE SPIRIT” leads them to do?  

There are times when we are inclined to seek direction or assistance from earthly beings instead of ENTRUSTING our lives to guidance and leadership of “THE SPIRIT”?   JESUS HIMSELF, GOD in the flesh, allowed “THE SPIRIT” to “drive” HIM into “the wilderness”, a place of desolation, and was dependent upon the SAME for HIS sustenance and well-being!  Not that HE needed anything else, but JESUS exhibiting FAITH in the everyday tasks of life SHOULD give us an indication of what we need to be doing in our lives!

Perhaps we would YIELD to “THE SPIRIT” more readily if we could SEE that HE IS THERE, ready to provide guidance for our WAY?  In John 4:24 JESUS said “GOD IS SPIRIT”, so why don’t we YIELD to “THE SPIRIT” more in our lives?  “YOU are MY beloved SON; with YOU I am well pleased” might CHANGE our lives IF we allowed “THE SPIRIT” to guide and direct our lives?  

This humble servant HEARS HIS MESSAGE and  it is my desire to YIELD to “THE SPIRIT” in my life!  Perhaps I will hear from Heaven that GOD is pleased with me???

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