Monday, January 24, 2022


 Genesis 15:6                         (ESV)

“[6] And he (Abraham) “BELIEVED” the LORD, and HE (THE LORD) counted it to him (Abraham) as righteousness.”

Knowing what our BELIEFS are is something that can be fluid, as the maturation process can change how we perceive things.  Abraham KNEW in his heart that he had spoken to YAHWEH (Genesis 12) and he wasn’t “shaken” in that BELIEF!  

Abraham was approximately 100 years old before Isaac was born through Sarah, the one GOD said that would bear HIS PROMISE (Genesis 17:15-16)!  GOD is certainly capable of delivering a child to whomever HE sees fit.  So why did Abraham and Sarah have to WAIT to SEE the Blessing from GOD named Isaac?  For many years Abraham and Sarah waited for GOD to bless their union, but GOD had HIS OWN timeframe and wasn’t swayed by the “wondering” of HIS CHOSEN!

GOD CREATED “the heavens and the earth” without any assistance from ANY person or being!  HE certainly isn’t “required” to seek our assistance or approval for anything HE is doing, especially to GLORIFY HIS NAME!  Being remembered as one who “BELIEVED” THE CREATOR should be our desire?  But because we “BELIEVED”, HE will count it to us as RIGHTEOUSNESS!  Not because we are anything special, other than we “BELIEVED”!!!

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