Thursday, January 20, 2022


 Isaiah 40:29-31                          (ESV)

    “[29] HE gives power to the faint,

        and to him who has no might HE increases strength. 

    [30] Even YOUTHS SHALL FAINT and be weary,


    [31] but “THEY WHO WAIT” for the LORD SHALL renew their strength;

        they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

    they shall run and not be weary;

        they shall walk and not faint.”

How many times are we presented with doing something that seems logical AND makes sense, but our SPIRIT LEADS US in a direction that literally makes NO SENSE to us at all???  GOD has an uncanny ability to place us in certain situations so that HE WILL BE GLORIFIED despite what we do in our finite, worldly minds!  THE ALMIGHTY isn’t limited to what we see, nor does HE react to injustice or unholy acts as mankind would.  HE is GOD and HE is HOLY AND WE ARE NOT!!!

Two things in the Scriptures above that will NOT leave me alone!  YOUTHS SHALL FAINT and be weary and YOUNG MEN SHALL FALL EXHAUSTED are both stating FACTS, that we, in our perceived strength and might, fail to SEE!  Although mankind was CREATED in HIS IMAGE, we are not DIVINE, therefore we are fallible and incomplete without HIM.  Performing ACTS that ARE DIVINE require us to   become “THEY WHO WAIT” for the LORD!

When ALMIGHTY GOD was LEADING the Children of Israel out of bondage, HE had them WAIT on the banks of the Red Sea for the Egyptians to catch up with them.  In the limited view of mankind, the Israelites might have scurried away from “danger” and avoided the perceived “barrier” known as the Red Sea.  But GOD’S DIVINE PLAN was to be fulfilled, and the Israelites had to WAIT for ten days or longer for GOD TO BE GLORIFIED!!!

Becoming “THEY WHO WAIT” may be directly opposite to what common sense dictates.  But doing what GOD is leading us to do requires “walking by faith” (Galatians 2) and NOT relying on “what makes sense”!  YOUTHS SHALL FAINT and be weary and YOUNG MEN SHALL FALL EXHAUSTED can be counted on when we attempt to do things “on our own”.  “THEY WHO WAIT” can prepare for GOD to deliver them when calamity is near!  HE IS THE ALMIGHTY and HE tells us that “THEY WHO WAIT” SHALL renew their strength!!!

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