Monday, June 25, 2012


Before this great King are seraphim--bright, burning angelic creatures, creatures without sin or shame or guilt.   Yet even these radiant beings cover their eyes and feet with their wings, overawed by the sight of God, crying out again and again, saying.... "Loving, loving, loving is the Lord of hosts"? "Gracious, gracious, gracious is the Lord of hosts"? "Merciful, merciful, merciful"? "Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving"? No, though all of these things are true, those are not the traits that overwhelm these luminous entities. "Holy, Holy, Holy!"  they cry out "Holy!"- but once is not enough, so they say a second time "Holy!"  Yet even twice does not catch it, so they shout for a third time---befitting the triunity of this God--"holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory!"  (Isa. 6:3).  In all the bible, HOLINESS is the only attribute of God that is marked by a threefold repetition.   Holiness is an overwhelming and all-encompassing trait of God.   We cannot understand the first thing about God unless we have some glimmer of His holiness.    Dan Phillips    THE WORLD-TILTING GOSPEL.

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