Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Missed one!

Today as I was driving to the office I drove by a woman walking in the side of the road.   I ALMOST stopped and offered her a ride.  Her appearance was that of someone who was less fortunate than most.  But I was in a hurry to get to my work and thought I didn't have time! Then, about a mile down the road, it was as if GOD was speaking to me.  "That was me!  Why did you pass me by!". I wanted to turn around but again let time constraints determine my schedule.   I sit here at lunch thinking about how many times I have let "GOD" pass me by with time, money, or indifference being my excuse?   GOD help me to be more sensitive to your Holy Spirit and HIS guidance in my life.  I missed a blessing this morning because of time worries.  How better could I have spent my time than to be with YOU?  

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