Tuesday, June 5, 2012


"I hate when people speed up to get in front of me then drop down BELOW the speed limit!"  Post from a Facebook Friend.  Nothing irritates me any quicker or more profoundly than someone to be so inconsiderate as my friend experienced.  My time is just as valuable as theirs!  Why should they make me even more late just so they can be ON TIME? Hebrews 13:2 says "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.".  I never know when GOD, who is sovereign, slows me down to avoid a drunk driver, or a flat tire, or any number of happenings that would be harmful to me.   At the same time, HE may cause me to have a flat tire, car to overheat, car not start,  etc. .. to teach and grow me!  If GOD loves me enough to give HIS only SON to redeem me, wouldn't it serve to reason that HE would protect/guide me to where/what HE thought is best for me?   Now, if I can not get so angry at someone driving the way "I" think they should!!!

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