Monday, June 11, 2012


Romans 12:16  (ESV) "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight." This verse is one of those I really try to skim over as it requires too much personal "Comfort Zone" invasion.   My decision to delve into this verse was with a great deal of humility and "total depravity".   To "Live in harmony with one another" can be a difficult thing.  To "never be wrong" is not a good way to live in harmony. defines harmony as "agreement; accord; harmonious relations".   Does this mean that I should yield to others when there is a disagreement?  Without getting into a full debate on the subject......YES.   As long as points of orthodoxy are not infringed upon, why should I have to always be right?  I have never seen anyone led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ with a sledge hammer!   "Do not be haughty".  Just because I am right (my perception) does not mean everyone is going to agree with me!  Everyone has their own mind and if we all thought the same way it would be a bland society!   "But associate with the lowly".   Should I go to the homeless shelter and carry some poor soul to lunch everyday?  I believe the point that the Apostle Paul was trying to convey is to not "look down" on someone who may not be as blessed as I am.  When you get down to it, I am poor compared to a Millionaire!  But, I live in lavish luxury compared to some people in Haiti or Sudan.    "Never be wise in your own sight."  Again, perception is key to this statement.   One person can be seen as incredibly wise by some, and seen by others as an imbecile.  A neurosurgeon probably would not be a lot of assistance if you were repairing a water well.  But, If you are dying of thirst, who would you pick to help you?  Bottom line, but for the grace of GOD we could have been born in a cardboard hut in Haiti or Sudan.  GOD placed you where HE did for HIS glory.  Don't wait until you get somewhere else to glorify The CREATOR!  

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