Sunday, October 14, 2012

Desires vs Needs!

Yesterday we were privileged to attend a college football game as the university from our state played an evening game.   My team won, but had to endure a severe thunderstorm which caused the game to be delayed, and eventually "called-off"!   The excursion cost me dearly, but hey, my team won!

After the game was over, we had to take some people home and then come home ourselves  because my "puppies" were left outside and I didn't want them to be left out in the storm.  I drove for almost 5 hours to get home!  

The money spent for this trip and the stress of driving five hours in a driving rain storm was a price that I was willing to pay for a day of family enjoyment.  But I started thinking!   How many hungry children would have been fed with the money we spent on going to the game?  How many months of groceries could have been bought?  How many doctor bills paid?  How many monthly utility bills paid?  

Now, it's not as if we go somewhere every weekend.   EVERY family HAS to have time together.  However, I pray that when I will SEE needs and GOD directs me to fill the need, that I am obedient.  Please join me in seeing needs that are too often overlooked or ignored as we serve others while serving HIM! 

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