Saturday, October 6, 2012

WHAT did you say?

Today I read in the local newspaper about the high school team I support losing their game last night. In a few hours the college team I support will take the field. They are not having a “successful” season. Last night, the major league baseball team closest to where I live lost their game and was put out of the playoffs. When I got on FACEBOOK this morning there were MANY posts about all of
the teams.

But….WHERE ARE THE POSTS ABOUT PEOPLE DIEING AND GOING TO HELL? Where are the posts about the hungry needing to be fed? Where are the posts about a woman losing her husband to cancer? Children are abused everyday. Where are the posts helping people identify signs of an abuser?

This reminder is for me! We get SOOO caught up in what SATAN tells us is important when the REAL things that are important are hardly acknowledged. LORD, cause me to be more concerned with what is IMPORTANT TO YOU! I need to minister to others, not discuss the football, baseball, or basketball game with them. Revelation 22:12

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