Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The REAL problem!

This morning I have been listening to a sermon (http://youtu.be/3X8Nl3zcK6s)   by Bishop Robert E. Smith of Outreach Christian Center in Little Rock Arkansas.  (www.totalouteachforchrist.com).  Although it was lengthy, it hit the nail on the head.  When you can allow a couple of hours you should listen to him. 

Folks, neither the Democratic Party nor Republican Party holds the answer to any of the problems facing our nation today.  Debt, dependence, healthcare, Social (In)Security......all of these are symptoms of a problem we fail to recognize.  Unless WE as a people return to GOD JEHOVAH, we are doomed!

I feel like many Old Testament prophets warning the children of Israel to "Repent and Turn".  The first "temple vision", in which Ezekiel sees God leave the Temple because of the abominations being practiced there (meaning the worship of Gods other than Yahweh, the official God of Judah (Ezekiel 8:1-16) come to mind.  

I have a quote from C.S. Lewis on my iPhone.  "You don't have a soul!  You ARE a soul.  You have a body!"

Until we realize that we are more than just a physical presence, we will FAIL to become what GOD intended for us to be!     

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