Wednesday, March 27, 2013

465 Words per minute!

": I just read this article in 6 minutes, 23 seconds at 465 words per minute (via @ReadQuickApp)" 

This was on my FEED from Twitter recently.   I was taken aback by the author choosing to brag about how fast he could read.  The speed in which one can read seems to be more important than WHAT he is reading! 

Many know that Psalms 46:10 is one of my favorite Bible verses.  "Be still, and KNOW that I am GOD" does not lend itself to speed-reading.   I realize my opinion is ONLY my opinion, but over the past five years GOD has shown me that I was moving ALOT faster than what GOD intended.  

A lot of the time GOD could not work because I was in HIS way!   I would be doing good things, but I would not "Wait on The Lord" (Psalms 27:14).  

 HE does not need me to "help" HIM accomplish anything.  I am not the best student in that most times I have to be shown the correct way to do things multiple times before I learn.  But I am learning that I must SLOW DOWN and let GOD be GOD

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