Sunday, March 24, 2013

What day is it?

Today is March 24, 2013.   The calendar is centered around the life of Jesus Christ (  It is an indictment on ALL mankind that seemingly the calendar is only thing left in society that IS centered on Jesus Christ.  

I  currently 52 years old.  Being born in 1960, I grew up with "Blue Laws", meaning businesses would either close on Sunday or limit what they sold on Sunday's.  Culture used to be such that Almighty GOD was feared and revered.  

It pains me to acknowledge that "Almighty GOD" is used more as a slang word today than a worshipful proclamation.   How could a society, especially the United States of America, REJECT the very basis of its founding?  

Unfortunately, scripture records instance after instance where humans really believed (as many do today) that THEY were self-sufficient and did not need any help from YAHWEH.  Many felt (as they do today) that the human race was "smart" enough to make it on their own.  

But no one can tell me how they would make enough oxygen for 7 Billion people (not counting mammals) to exist?  With all of our wisdom, how do we make more Salt Water?  How do we prevent people from Cancer, or AIDS, or any number of other diseases from premature death?  If humans are so intellectually gifted, why does hunger exist?   

Wisdom and Knowledge do not have to be related.   A man full of book knowledge may not have enough Wisdom to "get in out of the rain".   My grandfather was one of the wisest men I have had the privilege of knowing, yet he never went past the sixth grade in school.  Although my grandfather was not blessed with a great deal of "book smarts", he REMEMBERED who he was and where he came from.  

I am afraid today that there are too many of us who have forgotten where we came from.  We come from an Almighty GOD that loves us and wants a relationship with us.   HE has wanted a relationship with us since creation began. We used to recognize HIM as our CREATOR.  It is high time WE remember "who we are and where we came from"!

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