Monday, March 25, 2013


Today it seems most churches have pastors and other staff members who have their doctorate or other post graduate degree.  There seems to be some sort of pre-conceived idea that you cannot shepherd a flock without some college and/or seminary saying that you are qualified.  Having a Doctorate is great as long as you have been set aside by GOD to be a shepherd.   The term "Pastor", originally the Latin word for "shepherd", is now used solely to denote the clergy of most Christian denominations. 

A shepherd was NOT a desired occupation in biblical times.  One had to be willing to spend his time and resources to assure his sheep were fed and protected.  It was not a 9 to 5 job!   Whenever a sheep wandered from the flock, it was a shepherds job a go find the sheep and return them to the flock.  In John 10:27 JESUS says "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."   King David was a shepherd in his younger days.   Psalms 23 is a wonderful example of how The LORD cares for HIS own. 

I think it is high time we realize that the MAIN qualification for being a leader (of believers) is to be "CALLED"!  I have been blessed to have known many "called" men of GOD.  I also know many great orators, communicators, and speech givers who do not have a calling from The LORD on their life.  Some are great people, but they are not called.  

One will never be a successful pastor unless he is called by GOD.  You can get all the degrees and certificates man has to offer, but without GOD's calling, your ministry will never be productive.   

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