Saturday, March 23, 2013

The way I see it!

"You have to begin to see everything that comes to you as coming from me!"

Dr. Stanley gives a candid 25 minute interview with Ms. Brown.  In the interview Dr. Stanley is reminiscing about forgiving some acquaintances of his at First Baptist in Atlanta, Georgia.   Dr. Stanley said GOD was speaking to him about dealing with his adversaries.  GOD told Dr. Stanley "You have to begin to see everything that comes to you as coming from me!"  

I have meditated that phrase for a number of months.  All through scripture there are verses of GOD hardening hearts or directing people's thoughts.  If people are saying and doing things to me contrary to GOD's plan, HE must have approved it.  HE can use good or bad to mold me into HIS purpose for my life.  On a differing note, HE can use any BAD I do for HIS glory! 

GOD has a plan.  I choose to be used for HIM and by HIM for accomplish HIS plan.  The difficulties that come my way will be used to shape and mold me into the vessel that will most benefit The Kingdom.  I pray that my life will glorify HIM in everything I do.   

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