Sunday, March 3, 2013


I awoke this morning at 2AM.  It was one of those times when I was tired and sleepy (muscle relaxers all day Saturday) but I "KNEW" The Lord was speaking, the question was did I care to listen????

The Lord has really been working on my about "slowing" my life down.  Everybody and everything seems to be in a "Fast-Paced" mode.  We used to write a letter to communicate.  Now we type an email, or if we can't "wait" for a day, we send a Text!   

On my Facebook "Cover Photo" I simply have "Be still and know that I am God!"   That is the first half of Psalms 46:10.   That is what GOD has been getting my attention with for the last couple of years.  

"Be Still" is the part that MOST of us have a problem with.   It seems the world has decided for us what our schedules should be.  Our office opens from 8am - 5pm.  We go to church from 9am - 12pm on Sunday. We eat lunch at the 12pm - 1pm time slot.  The evening "news" comes to us between 5pm - 6pm.  We are so "busy", yet are we accomplishing anything for The Kingdom?   What if GOD were in charge of our schedules?

How refreshing it would be for a client/prospect to let me know that he will not be in the office this week because he is spending time alone....with GOD!   Is HE not more capable of running our business than we are?  "Sabbaticals" are almost never heard of anymore.  Even MORE radical, what if we missed church services for one Sunday "in seclusion" with GOD?  How many times do you reckon the pilgrims had Sunday School at 9:45am?   Or prayer "meeting" on Wednesday evening?   When do we have time to "hear from GOD"?  Could it be HE doesn't speak like HE used to because no one is listening?  

The next part of that verse is "and KNOW that I am GOD"!   I am of the belief that our "FAITH" will increase as we spend more time with HIM in prayer and scripture reading.   We can profess to know HIM, but if we do not trust HIM, we don't really KNOW HIM?  To know GOD "intimately" implies that one is trusting HIM with their all. To know GOD, as someone who you pass on the way to work with a nod of the head, is NOT at all what this verse speaks of.  

I have a LOT of friends!  GOD has blessed me to have a personality that is easy to meet people.   But, my dearest friends, are SPECIAL to me.  Even as close as some of my friends are, my relationship with JESUS is of no comparison. 

Proverbs 18:24 says "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother".   
I pray that I will value my relationship with HIM above all by not getting caught up in the "rat-race" of modern society.   "BE STILL"!

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