Sunday, March 17, 2013


I am getting over the affects of what is known as ASPARTAME POISONING.   Since Thanksgiving 2012 I have been on a very limited carbohydrate intake.  The foods I have "abused" most are a diet soft drink and diet ice cream bars.  

While losing almost 40 pounds in those 4+ months, the last month I have experienced PAIN that is indescribable.   Muscle spasms in my upper back were intense and uncontrollable.   While I was happy with the weight loss, the PAIN was ruining my life.  

I have not worked at our insurance agency for over two weeks.  The debilitation has been nearly complete.  Last night, I had a revelation that was enlightening, to say the least.  

Sin can operate real similar to the UN-natural sweetener.  My first symptom was my left arm developing what I thought was "Tennis Elbow".  
I took some acetaminophen and continued on with my life.  Then my back started giving me problems.  I was going to see my chiropractor every week versus every three weeks before. I got off of ASPARTAME at the advice of my chiropractor in mid-February.  I continued to see him for a few days.  Then he could not help me!   
I went to my medical doctor and got some muscle relaxers and pain medicine.  The pain medicine did not relieve the pain, only masked it.  The muscle relaxers may have kept me sane.  When the muscle relaxers ran out, I suffered!   

For the past two weeks the ONLY was I have been able to survive is to apply ice bags to my back!   To keep that affected area "frozen" means it would not spasm.  Today I was able to go to Bible Study and Worship Service and sit through those without hurting someone!   I pray I have finally "detoxified" myself of this poison. 

After I stopped using the ASPARTAME, my weight loss accelerated.  I begin to lose weight even more rapidly drinking water.  GOD displayed to me that satan wants to destroy us in whatever means he can.  1 Peter 5:8 says "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour".  

 I did not intend to harm my body.  I was only trying to lose weight.  The ASPARTAME was very subtle. Sin starts out with very little repercussions.  It started out feeling like "Tennis Elbow".  But the pain that soon followed was unbelievable! 

I do not write this to tell you not to eat/drink ASPARTAME.   There is plenty of evidence out there about the harmful effects of ASPARTAME.  (Search for ASPARTAME POISONING).  But I do caution you NOT to let satan "devour" your body, mind, or soul!  The enemy is cunning and is the father of lies (John 8:44).  2 Timothy 4:2 tells us to be ready!  Don't let the enemy sneak up on you as I allowed ASPARTAME to sneak up on me.   

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