Thursday, March 21, 2013

"God is a God of gods"

Daniel 2:47
"The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldst reveal this secret."

King Nebuchadnezzar may not have been the wisest to have ever lived, but he recognized when he got a word from The Holy GOD!  Would that people today would recognize that GOD ALMIGHTY is sovereign and things do not happen without HIM first, at least, condones it.  

Why would a HOLY GOD allow bad, such as the 9-11 attacks?   Why does GOD allow millions of abortions each year?  Why would GOD continue to allow the hungry to die of starvation?   Why, why, why?   

GOD is loving, benevolent, protective, Almighty..........HE is!  But HE does not force HIMSELF on us! Just like early creation in Noah's day, modern day beings have turned to EVIL (Genesis 6:5).  

GOD IS HOLY!  HE cannot fellowship sin.  Sin has to be removed before GOD can be a part of our lives.  JESUS provided forgiveness for us.  I pray that I will be ready to beg for, and receive, that forgiveness when I do sin. 

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