Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Job 1:8-12               (1599 Geneva Bible)
"8 And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou not considered my servant Job, how none is like him in the earth? an upright and just man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
9 Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?
10 Hast thou not made an hedge about him and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
11 But stretch out now thine hand and touch all that he hath, to see if he will not blaspheme thee to thy face.
12 Then the Lord said unto Satan, Lo, all that he hath is in thine hand: only upon himself shalt thou not stretch out thine hand. So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord."

I have often wondered "WHY" would GOD allow satan to wreak havoc in the life of Job, who was according to scripture, "was an upright and just man, one that feared God, and eschewed (avoided) evil".  So why would GOD allow the enemy to cause so much pain and misery in HIS servants life?

GOD surely would not choose a "weakling" for satan to attempt to glorify himself?  On the contrary, GOD knew that Job was committed to HIM like no other man "in the earth"!  The enemy thought if Job's earthly possessions were unprotected that Job would cave into "FEAR", as that is the enemy's number one tool.

But Job did not fall for satan's game. As a matter of fact, in Job 13:15 he proclaims "though HE slay me", yet I will TRUST IN HIM!  Fear has to flee when TRUST IN GOD is present. The enemy can, and will, attempt to disguise doubt with many decoys.  But when "TRUST IN GOD" is present, the decoys are revealed as fakes and frauds.

I pray that when the enemy assaults my life, that I am grounded in TRUTH in a manner that I will proclaim "THOUGH HE SLAY ME" to a lost world.  I know some "prosperity preachers" prefer to not talk about Job and his trials, but I am here to glorify GOD ALMIGHTY, not for HIM to glorify me!!

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