Saturday, January 25, 2014


Lamentations 2:17             (ESV)
"The LORD has done what HE purposed; HE has carried out HIS word, which HE commanded long ago; HE has thrown down without pity; HE has made the enemy rejoice over you and exalted the might of your foes."

"GOD works in mysterious ways" is something I have always heard.  A man named William Cowper wrote the song with this title in 1773.  But the ways of GOD are only mysterious to man!

The verse above shares that "The LORD has done what HE purposed"!  My sister died of cancer in 1996.  My mom and dad divorced in 1964.  I experienced a brain hemorrhage in 2007.  When drawing a schematic of a perfect life, none of these events would make my list of favorites.

Yet GOD "commanded long ago" that things that happen in this world would happen and when they would happen!  GOD is not surprised by events that occur in our lives. "HE has made the enemy rejoice over you and exalted the might of your foes" is not a declaration of victory, yet a tool GOD is using to teach and grow us.

Don't get in a hurry to get through a trial.  GOD may be grooming you for great things in the future, but you may have to experience the trials before you see the victory!!!

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