Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Luke 12:1-5             (1599 Geneva Bible)
"1 In the meantime, there gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, so that they trod one another: and he (JESUS) began to say unto his disciples first, Take heed to yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: neither hid, that shall not be known.
3 Wherefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness, it shall be heard in the light: and that which ye have spoken in the ear, in secret places, shall be preached on the houses.
4 And I say unto you, my friends, BE NOT AFRAID OF THEM THAT KILL THE BODY, and after that are not able to do anymore.
5 But I will forewarn you, WHOM SHALL YE FEAR: fear him which after he hath killed, hath power to CAST INTO HELL: yea, I say unto you, HIM FEAR."

In my younger (wisdom challenged) days, I served on numerous public boards and commissions in the state I reside.  Everything we did was governed by the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).  A public record had to be kept of all proceedings, and usually the press was there to give their account of the proceedings.  An account varies depending on the "PRISM" through which one views things.

JESUS, GOD IN THE FLESH, makes it clear the Pharisees "PRISM" was skewed.  The "hypocrisy" JESUS spoke of was the "PRISM" the Pharisees wanted people to see things through.  JESUS told them that there would come a time when nothing will be "covered", everything will be "revealed"!

We sometimes desire things to work out the way we have envisioned that we look at those items through the "PRISM" of what we want. JESUS warned that we should not be concerned with what man could, or would, do to us. Rather, we should fear the ONE that has the power to "CAST INTO HELL"!

I should know by now that I should not fear anything the media, or crowds, or world can say or do to me.  "FOR GOD SO LOVED" you and me that HE gave us a redemptive plan for our souls.  I don't have to fear any longer, for the Spirit of JESUS lives within me and HE has already defeated hell and the grave.  One day, all "PRISMS" will be done away with, and all will see "NOTHING COVERED"!

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