Thursday, March 13, 2014


Hebrews 10:22-23                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"22 Let us draw near with a true heart in assurance of faith, our hearts being pure from an evil conscience,
23 And washed in our bodies with pure water, let us keep the profession of our hope, without wavering, (for he is faithful that promised.)"

Normally I don't share others devotionals, but today an exception begs to be made. Last evening I was tired beyond my limits.  When I get "run down", I know that sleep will be the only thing that remedies the "funk" I am in.  I went to bed at 7:30PM and slept until 6:45AM this morning.

I awoke and a devotional from Max Lucado was in my email.  I have posted it below::

Satan’s Condemnation

Satan’s condemnation brings no repentance or resolve, just regret! Satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). To steal your peace, kill your dreams, and destroy your future. Satan has deputized people to peddle his poison.  Friends dredge up your past. Preachers proclaim all guilt and no grace.  And parents, oh, your parents. “Why can’t you grow up?” they say.  “When are you going to make me proud?” they say. But your accusers will not have the last word!  Jesus has acted on your behalf.  Jesus Christ has risen to your defense.

Hebrews 10:22 urges “. . .let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, because we have been made free from a guilty conscience.”

Not just for our past mistakes but also for our future ones.  Behold the fruit of grace: saved by God, raised by God, seated with God! Gifted, equipped, and commissioned!

After clearing the cobwebs from my brain, I absorbed what Max Lucado was saying. "Satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy..." our hopes, dreams and future!  "Satan HAS DEPUTIZED PEOPLE to peddle his poison"!   When I get tired and weary, I am more susceptible to the devil trying to gain control of my thought life and actions.  I allow satan to use the well intended actions of others to interrupt my relationship with GOD.

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that I will be more aware of my frailty and recognize that the enemy will disguise himself in a myriad of ways in order to "STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY" the peace and joy that comes only from YOU!

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