Thursday, July 3, 2014


1 Chronicles 16:34                (GNV)
"34 Praise the Lord, for HE is good, for HIS mercy endureth forever."

Early in the morning I usually awake to go to the restroom.  Most mornings I go right back to sleep with no problem.  This morning GOD kept this phrase on my mind, "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE"!   I wrote it down to make sure I didn't forget it.  But when I awoke again this morning, the same thing was on my mind.

The enemy can keep our MINDS so busy thinking on him and our difficulties that we neglect to worship the ONE true living GOD!   It reminds me of when I was around five years old.  I had a nightmare that someone was breaking into our home.  I cried out to my mother that I was afraid.  She told me to come get in bed with her.  I did and everything was fine.  The nightmare still happened, but the fear dicipated as soon as I was allowed to seek the safety of my caregiver.

JESUS CHRIST came to earth to sacrifice HIMSELF as our caregiver.  HE freely gave of HIMSELF so I could have peace and security that is unexplainable.  Undeservedly, HE also has given me a beautiful, caring wife, two Godly sons with wives who love HIM, and land to live in where I can worship HIM freely, miraculously restored my health like few others, two vehicles, a home to live in, and MANY, MANY other blessings that are too numerous to list on a blog!

How can I allow my mind to consider the minor bumps in my road when there is such beautiful scenery around me?  The "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" in a choice we have to make.  I choose to be positive and have an "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE"!   Each day we must choose to focus on the enemy and his turmoil, or we can have an "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" and Praise the LORD for all HIS goodness!

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