Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Matthew 4:4                 (KJV)
"But HE (JESUS) answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by "EVERY WORD" that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD."

Psalms 55:22                (KJV)
"CAST thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall NEVER suffer the righteous to be moved."

The belief that "EVERY WORD" in scripture is written with a purpose and meaning is a belief  that I aspire to.  Matthew 4:4 and Isaiah 55:11 are where I would begin my case.  JESUS could have used the expression "EVERY WORD" to make people like me slow down and consider what is written, and why it was written?  The Word of GOD is not a novel, rather a roadmap that we should consult in living our lives.  "EVERY WORD" that GOD inspired to be written in HIS WORD is there to guide and direct my path!

Psalms 55:22 says to "CAST" thy burdens upon the LORD!  To cast our burden upon The Lord reminds me of a farmer sewing seeds in a field.  He literally throws the seed on the tilled ground and let's the LORD take it from there.  I need to learn to "let the LORD take it from there" more in life and not try to make the seeds turn into plants without HIS intervention.

Our "burdens" can be a multitude of issues.  Health issues, family concerns, financial concerns, problems on the job are just a few of issues we may consider a "burden".  But is anything a "burden" for the Creator of the Universe?  HE spoke everything into existence and upon HIS "EVERY WORD" everything exists!  Dr. Tony Evans likes to say "HE's got this"!

The words "HE shall sustain thee" does not necessarily mean by removing the burden, but giving strength to bear it, upholding you lest you should fall under the weight of the burden.  I have heard it said "GOD loves us the just as we are, but HE loves us too much to leave us that way!"  GOD uses difficulties to make us move to a more comfortable position.  We WILL move if the water gets too hot!

Earlier I mentioned the roadmap that HIS "EVERY WORD" provides, and that is something I choose not to ignore.  Some may be smart enough to navigate this life on their own.  I elect to adhere to "EVERY WORD" written in the plan HE has for my life.

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