Saturday, August 2, 2014


Acts 18:1-4                   (ESV)
"1 After this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth.
2 And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. And he went to see them,
3 and because he was of the same trade he stayed with them and worked, for they were tentmakers by trade.
4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks."

The Apostle Paul was a witness of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and HIS resurrection unlike many others that have ever lived.  He was always willing to speak and expound on how the LORD JESUS CHRIST had lived, was crucified, and was resurrected, for the sins of mankind.  He wanted to let everyone know of the redemption afforded by believing that JESUS was the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD!

Paul was blessed with monetary gifts and offerings from many, as exhibited in Philippians 4:14-20.  That is while he wasn't in prison for preaching about JESUS!  But like most of us, Paul had a "trade", a skill he was blessed with, to earn enough money to sustain himself.  Acts 18:3 informs us that trade was being a "TENTMAKER".  

When a modern day Christian is asked what the Apostle Paul is known for, very few would say for his "TENTMAKER" abilities?  Being a "TENTMAKER" was never something he wanted to make known.  The Apostle Paul was known for (when he was named Saul) persecuting Christians.  But after his salvation, Paul was known for the zeal and fervor in which he espoused to anyone who would listen that JESUS was the CHRIST, the SON of the living GOD!  Being a "TENTMAKER" did not define Paul, rather it only sustained him enabling him to spread the Good News to as many as he could.  

I am no "TENTMAKER"!  My trade is, and has been since 1992, selling insurance.  My prayer is that my legacy will be, if JESUS tarries HIS return to earth, a lot like the Apostle Paul.  My prayer is to be known as a believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST and HIS principles.  My legacy will probably never match the one left by the Apostle Paul, and my abilities my never include being a "TENTMAKER"!  But I pray that people will know me for serving the same JESUS that the Apostle Paul served!  And my trade will be as unknown as his!

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