Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Matthew 7:3-5                (ESV)
"3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye?
5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

In an attempt to keep my devotionals with a positive message, I try not to focus on the bad or immoral activities in the surrounding world.  But sometimes, you just have to poor one old bucket of water out and draw another clean bucket from the well!  Our entire society continues to devolve into one of passing judgement on someone else, while our individual lives continue to spiral into the pits of sin and despair.  It seems most would rather discuss what the sins and shortcomings of a neighbor might be rather than observe any ways their own lives may need improvement.

In Matthew 5 through Matthew 7 JESUS spoke to the multitudes a sermon that lasted for three chapters!  When one sees that the Son of GOD speaking to this extent it causes me to take note.   In Matthew 7:3-5 JESUS lets us know that in order for us to see clearly to help our brother with a speck in his eye, we first must clean our own eye of the LOG that blocks our own vision.

Whenever I have had something in my eye, I feel as though "I MUST" get it out!  I usually have to seek some assistance from someone I trust to locate and remove the foreign object that is causing the discomfort.  The Holy Spirit (my Spiritual "someone") causes me great discomfort in my Spiritual life at times.  Whenever I have sin enter into my life, I feel as though "I MUST" get it out!   The more Spiritually mature I become, the more sensitive I am to the Holy Spirit's conviction in my life.  HE lets me know that "I MUST" get the sin out of my life.

JESUS said it is difficult to see the minor problems within the eyes of others when we have SO much sin in our own lives.  HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray YOUR Holy Spirit would examine my life and convict me of all of the sin in my life.   Help me to realize "I MUST" get the sin out of my life so YOU can use me for YOUR glory!!

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