Monday, August 18, 2014


John 17:23               (KJV)
"I (JESUS) in them, and thou in me, that they (believers) may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me."

Psalms 27:14           (KJV)
"WAIT ON THE LORD: be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen thine heart: WAIT, I say, ON THE LORD."

Why am I amazed when GOD works in my life to accomplish HIS purpose?   HE has demonstrated HIS ability to work on HIS timetable so many times.  Yet I act astonished when everything seems to "work out" in total orchestration to glorify HIM!

Most mornings I awake and just lie in bed for a few minutes talking with The LORD.  This morning my mind seemed to be "busy" with today's itinerary and making sure I have allocated my time wisely.  The devotional sent by Dr. Charles Stanley early this morning was entitled "The Rewards of Patience".   I read his message with great interest.  There were two sentences that are really sticking with me.  "David didn't receive his blessings because he was special"; he was honored among men because he honored The LORD above all.  And since he trusted in GOD's faithfulness, he endured hardship with PATIENCE."

I then sat down to read scripture in Psalms 27:14 and my Bible was opened to John 17.  I was reading in John 17 before going to sleep last evening.  John 17:23 was highlighted and underlined.  So I thought I would take the time to read "one verse" to see why I highlighted and underlined it.  I was all focused on "Waiting on The Lord", and then I had to read about JESUS living in me!   Only then did the proverbial light come on in my head!

GOD moves at HIS own pace.  HIS schedule isn't determined by our predicaments or desires.  Since the Spirit of JESUS (GOD in the flesh) lives in me, why then should I be pressured to perform to the worlds standards or timetables?  GOD "spoke" the worlds into existence and HE hasn't lost any power.  If The LORD lives in me, I might find it better to  "WAIT ON THE LORD"!!!

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