Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Psalms 113:4-8                         (KJV)
"4 The LORD is high above all nations, and HIS glory above the heavens.
5 WHO IS LIKE UNTO THE LORD our GOD, who dwelleth on high,
6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
7 HE raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
8 That HE may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people."

Many know that my grandfather had "a green thumb" when it came to raising a garden.  I grew up watching the miracle of burying a seed in the ground only to watch most of them bring forth new life after a period of time.  I was so accustomed to seeing the fruits from his garden, I expected everyone to get the same results.

But not everyone has "a green thumb" in a garden.  Even though I grew up planting, hoeing, tending, and harvesting the same crops, I never had the interest in expending the efforts to assure a bountiful return.  My patience with waiting on the seeds to turn into plants, and then into reward, was never what it needed to be.

"WHO IS LIKE" our GOD?  WHO else can determine which seed that is planted can produce an abundant crop, or fail to produce any fruit?  One would think after these thousands of years of planting seeds that the ability to determine which seeds would not produce would bear fruit would have become more learned?  The seeds that fail to yield a good return have to be taken away (John 15:2).

My grandfather did not plant seeds and go dig them up everyday to check on their progress.  He waited on the unknown increase to come from The LORD!  "WHO IS LIKE" our LORD that HE can raise the "poor out of the dust" or make a seed yield thousands of seeds?  Or "WHO IS LIKE" our Creator and can know the plans HE has for our lives before we were conceived (Jeremiah 1:5)?

The increase of the seeds we plant is not determined by how well we plant, cultivate, or harvest our crops.  As long as moisture is provided with the Water of Life (John 4:14) and I keep the weeds out of my life (Matthew 13:7), the harvest will be left up to the ONE "WHO IS LIKE" none other!

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