Tuesday, May 10, 2016


John 17:1-5                         (KJV)
"1 These words spake JESUS, and lifted up HIS eyes to heaven, and said, FATHER, the hour is come; "GLORIFY THY SON", that THY SON also may glorify THEE: 2 As THOU hast given HIM power over all flesh, that HE should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given HIM. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, whom THOU hast sent. 4 I have glorified THEE on the earth: I have finished the work which THOU gavest ME to do. 5 And now, O FATHER, glorify thou ME with THINE OWN SELF with the glory which I had with THEE before the world was."

As a father, it is my desire for my two sons to be more obedient Christians, to be better husbands and fathers, to be more successful in life than their dad ever was.  Both of my sons are great examples of service to others and putting their families needs in front of themselves.  In doing so, they have experienced GOD's favor in their lives in ways they won't fully understand until they get to heaven, or at least their dad won't!

Most modern day Christians do not share the same sentiment as JESUS did in John 17 though.  When JESUS prayed to HIS FATHER in heaven, HE didn't ask for deliverance from HIS trials and turmoil.  JESUS asked for HIS FATHER to "GLORIFY THY SON" and proceeded to allow HIMSELF to be crucified on a Roman cross for my sins and yours so we could be set free from the penalty of our sin!

Why would HE pay such a heavy price for people who ultimately hung HIM on the cross with no forethought?  JESUS knew what HIS mission was when HE came to earth, and yet HE didn't attempt to change HIS ultimate destination!  HE knew that GOD would "GLORIFY THY SON" and HE would be seated at the Right hand of the FATHER drawing glory to HIM.  HE knew HE would have to leave HIS Heavenly Throne to physically be on earth for 33+ years, but HE also knew that GOD would "GLORIFY THY SON" in the end on the THIRD DAY!

GOD is revealing to me through HIS Word what HIS Plan is for my life.  Sometimes I wish HIS revelation would come more swiftly, but HIS timing is perfect and HE uses difficult situations to "refine" me into a vessel for HIS glory (Isaiah 48:10-11)!   There is no greater feeling than to see your child be glorified for something they have done.  When JESUS prayed "GLORIFY THY SON" HE knew what the glorification would cost HIM.  The  journey I may experience will not always be pleasant, but I pray that GOD will "GLORIFY THY CHILD" as I serve HIS Kingdom!!

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