Friday, May 13, 2016


Genesis 1:26-27                           (ESV)
"26 Then GOD said, "Let us make man in OUR image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27 So GOD created man in HIS own image, in the IMAGE OF GOD HE created him; "MALE AND FEMALE" HE created them."

Being one of the people who are of the belief that the WORD of GOD is Divinely inspired, to me, is just part of recognizing that GOD is Sovereign and in control of everything!  Accepting that we are NOT GOD and don't get to participate in the more serious matters, as writing the HOLY BIBLE, is just one of the realizations that must be made in life.

John 4:24 begins with"GOD is Spirit.."  Man was created IMAGE OF GOD, so we are Spirit.  BUT we are only in HIS IMAGE!  According to one dictionary, the word IMAGE means "form; appearance; semblance:", it doesn't mean we are created as gods!  In following GOD's Plan, through Adam and Eve we allowed sin into our Spirits, so we are no longer HOLY, thus WE ARE NOT GOD, we don't get to make decisions that only GOD is qualified to make.  Mankind was not created to handle some of the more complex matters in life, such as when we are born, when we die, who gets diseases, determining what gender we are when we are born, and the list goes on and on!

Psalms 139:14 says "I praise YOU, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are YOUR works; my soul knows it very well".  Since GOD "fearfully and wonderfully" made us, only HE has the authority to decide some issues.  Mankind isn't qualified to decide when life begins, nor when life ends, who gets diseases, and whether we are born "MALE AND FEMALE"!

Never was my status of NOT being GOD made more clear to me than in the fall of 1996.  My younger sister was 33 years old and, by all appearances, the picture of great health!  In August 1996 she played on a "5 and 5" softball team.  She had exploratory surgery in September trying to determine why she was having some gastric issues, but nothing was found.  She went to a larger city in October and was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer.  The day after Christmas 1996 she died, looking as though she was 95 years old!  The cancer had ravaged her body fiercely in three months and there was NOTHING BIG BROTHER COULD DO TO HELP HER!!

Having GOD's omniscience and omnipotence displayed to us can be a awesome, yet frightful thing!  To say I'm not qualified to make some decisions about life isn't a sign of weakness or immaturity, it is simply admitting I'm not GOD!  Only GOD can determine "MALE AND FEMALE" and we don't need to fool ourselves by thinking anything different.  We run the risk of SEEing GOD's omniscience, omnipotence, and most fearfully, HIS WRATH, when we try to be GOD!!  Don't try to be something you aren't quailed to be.  Let GOD determine "MALE AND FEMALE" and let's stick to what we were created for!!

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