Friday, May 27, 2016


Malachi 3:16-18                 (KJV)
"Then "THEY THAT FEARED THE LORD" spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before HIM for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon HIS name. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth GOD and him that serveth HIM not."

There are many who desire to take one or two verses of scripture, isolate them to fit their perceived meaning, while all the time missing the true intent of what is being said.   In Luke 6:37 is the often quoted "Judge not, and YE shall not be judged..."!  But if you stop there and proceed no further in Scripture study, how do you then deal with 1 Peter 1:16 which states ""Because it is written, Be YE Holy (set apart); for I AM HOLY"?    If there is no delineation between that which is GOOD, and that which is EVIL, JUDGEMENT will be a fantasy, for everything might be acceptable?  Why would JESUS have died on the cross when my sins didn't separate me from GOD?

We do a disservice to people who are yet to have their sin revealed to them if they believe their actions carry no consequences.  There has to be a way of lovingly explaining to "the lost" where the road they are traveling is leading them.  I do not say this with any pride, hate, nor righteous indignation, only a fear that those who think GOD will never JUDGE them are being misled by silent pulpits and Believers!  Judgement IS coming!  It isn't that GOD is so loving that HE will let all of our transgressions "slide"!  We must claim the Blood of JESUS CHRIST to cover our sins before we can "commune" with the FATHER!

GOD's children were instructed in Malachi 3:16 to communicate often, and to keep a "book of remembrance" before them.  There are many opinions about what the "book of remembrance" was, but I am led to believe that GOD's Word is what can change hearts and lives, so what else should we keep before us?  Then in Malachi 3:18 it is written "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked..."!  The word "discern" can be a weighty responsibility!  One dictionary defines "discern" as "1. to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; SEE, recognize, or apprehend: 2. to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinctor different; discriminate: distinguish or discriminate.".  Note the word "JUDGE" is not used, however we are instructed to "SEE" between the righteous and the wicked!

There are many who are still Spiritually blind, their eyes have yet to be able to SEE, the things of GOD and turn from their wicked ways.  That doesn't make we that can SEE any better than them, we are BLESSED to have GRACE bestowed upon us by GOD through JESUS CHRIST!  "THEY THAT FEARED THE LORD" have gotten a glimpse of the Holiness of GOD, while at the same time the "undoneness" of man, and have cried out for mercy and forgiveness to a HOLY GOD!  Judgement IS coming, but "THEY THAT FEAR THE LORD" have nothing to fear as according to Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus"!  The key receiving NO CONDEMNATION is to be apart of "THEY THAT FEAR THE LORD"!

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