Tuesday, May 31, 2016


2 Thessalonians 2:10-12                                    (ESV)
"10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to LOVE "THE TRUTH" and so be saved.
11 Therefore GOD sends them a STRONG DELUSION, so that they MAY BELIEVE WHAT IS FALSE,
12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe "THE TRUTH" but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

This passage was recently shared by a dear friend whom I respect greatly.  Like so many times, I had read these words before often and had yet to SEE the meaning that GOD revealed to me when I observed them this time.  Not being "formally" educated, I  I don't have to rely on the ability to SEE somethings that I feel I should, but GOD to REVEALS things to me at HIS pleasure and discretion.  And  and when HE opens your EYES to something, the impact is generally lasting!

The words "STRONG DELUSION" have always stood out to me, I guess because it focuses on the negative, and that is what the natural man tends to observe more quickly.  But when reading verse 10 this time the words LOVE "THE TRUTH" in a the recent message were followed by (Jesus Christ) (John 14:6) in parentheses!
 The very next few words indicates that GOD would send a STRONG DELUSION because they refused to LOVE "THE TRUTH"!  It doesn't say they didn't know "THE TRUTH", but it regretfully says they didn't LOVE "THE TRUTH"!  JESUS HIMSELF said "you cannot serve two masters", so if you do not love HIM, you must love the enemy!

In Isaiah 42:8 scripture records "I am the LORD; that is MY name; MY glory I give to no other, nor MY praise to carved idols".  Yet how many times do I want to BRAG that "I" was used by GOD to accomplish HIS work?  GOD can "use" anybody to glorify HIS name, as Pharaoh found out in Exodus 14:4!  GOD deserves to be PRAISED by us, no matter how HE decides to "use" us and whether we agree with HIS Plan!  We should be humbled that GOD would chose to use us IF HE does.  GOD even chose to have a donkey speak for HIM (Numbers 22:28), so HE is honoring us when HE selects us to speak for HIM!

When we LOVE "THE TRUTH" there can be no substitute HIM in our lives!  The enemy can attempt to deceive all he cares to, but he has nothing that can compare to "THE TRUTH"!  However, when our relationship with "THE TRUTH" is weakened by a lackluster prayer life, a less than hearty study of HIS WORD, and replaced with personal reasonings and emotions, GOD will sometimes send STRONG DELUSIONS to add to our problems and confusion!  GOD will not share HIS glory with another and we must guard against being those who don't LOVE THE TRUTH"!!!

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