Friday, May 20, 2016


1 Thessalonians 5:17              (ESV)
"PRAY" without ceasing."

Amusement or astonishment could be words to describe how some seem to believe they have to orate a perfectly worded message when saying a PRAYer.  It's as if our belief is GOD has to have Old English style verbiage before HE will hear our requests.  While it is true we should come into HIS presence with awe and respect, I often find myself "just talking" with GOD more times than not.

The Bible app I have carries a section for NOTES that I sometimes write in so I won't forget things I want to remember.  On today's passage I have these notes.  "Pray?  Or Commune with GOD? Commune-World English Dictionary- intimate conversation; exchange of thoughts.   We are to "Unceasingly have intimate conversation with the Creator of the Universe"!"

Now if I had an unceasingly intimate conversation with my wife, I doubt it would be filled with a lot of "thee's" and "thou's"!  Why should not I think having an intimate conversation with GOD to be any less personal and heartfelt?  1 Samuel 16:7 gives some insight when it says (in part) "...For the LORD sees NOT as man sees.......the LORD looks on the heart."

If GOD sees our hearts,  HE already knows our prayers before we say them!  Then why do we even need to come to HIM, other than HIS Word instructs us to?   If you have children (or grandchildren!!!) and have listened to their heartfelt communications, you may have an answer to that question.  As much as I love my children/grandchildren, GOD loves me far more than that!  When HIS Word instructs is to "PRAY" without ceasing, I believe HE desires for us to be in communication with HIM constantly, not just because of HIS desire to be foremost in our lives, but so HE can guide us around life's problems that are certain to be in our path!

Yes, it's true, GOD desires to be praised by us (Psalms 22:3), but HE wants to provide safety and guidance in our lives also (Psalms 34:19).  We can avoid A LOT of troubles if we intimately communicate with our CREATOR!   Just "PRAY"!!!

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