Monday, May 23, 2016


Isaiah 48:11                                (NASB)
"11 “For MY own sake, for MY own sake, I will act; For how can MY name be profaned? And "MY GLORY" I will not give to another."

The following are excerpts from a study on "GOD appointing evil leaders" that I am borrowing from an online study.

"" would think that God would only appoint benevolent leaders. After all, it’s supposed to be man and Satan who desire evil, not God. So why the evil leaders?

While Christians sometimes admit to struggling with this question, the suggestions they offer usually fall into two categories: 1) God does it to judge a people or nation and/or 2) God does it to bring about an even greater good.

The first possibility is that God wishes to serve up a heaping spoonful of wrath upon some well-deserving people or nation. Of course, God could just send a plague or rain down some fire and brimstone, but sometimes he prefers to let others do his dirty work for him.

The next suggestion is that God is attempting to bring about some greater good, such as saving souls or bringing about the end of the world. cites the persecution of the early church as an example. Clearly God didn’t think the early Christians deserved to be punished, he only punished them so they would scatter, which would help to spread the gospel!

Ultimately, it’s impossible to prove that any evil leader isn’t somehow bringing about some event that helps God in his mysterious plan, or that God isn’t punishing a nation that may have deserved it.""

Allow me to insert commentary and a verse from Exodus 14.  In verse 4 GOD says "And I will HARDEN Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD."  GOD HARDENED Pharaoh's heart!  Pharaoh and ALL HIS HOSTS were drowned in the Red Sea.  Some of these HOSTS were just doing what they had been ordered to do. Why would GOD get glory from destroying them?  Why?

GOD is HOLY and HE deserves to be praised and honored.  In this case, the Egyptians, being led by Pharaoh, were one of the most false god worshipping dynasties of all time.  It has been said that every "plague" GOD sent represented one of their false gods.  Every one of their false gods were annihilated by YAHWEH in Egypt, now YAHWEH was about to get "HIS GLORY" over Pharaoh and ALL HIS HOSTS.  GOD sent MANY warnings that HE wasn't playing around, but those warnings were ignored!

Why would YAHWEH cause "Pharaoh and all his hosts" to go to their watery grave, since HE is a loving GOD?  One can speculate that for days, but GOD doesn't need a reason, HE IS GOD!  Those who oppose HIM endanger themselves beyond description.  There is no way to "open their eyes", as only GOD can do that, and HE is all about receiving HIS glory!

It's true that GOD may ordain Godless, ruthless leaders to carry out HIS purposes, but those purposes will ultimately give glory to The LORD!  Be careful with giving anyone other than GOD HIS glory.  Isaiah 48:11 (NASB) says "For MY OWN sake, for MY OWN sake, I will act; For how can MY NAME be profaned? And "MY GLORY" I will not give to another."  GOD can still literally destroy a nation, or a world, if that glorifies HIS NAME!  To me, it is a wise decision to give GOD glory before HE gets it on HIS own?!?!?!

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