Thursday, September 1, 2016


Matthew 14:13-14;22-23                               (ESV)
"13 Now when JESUS heard this, "HE WITHDREW" from there in a boat to a desolate place by HIMSELF. But when the crowds heard it, they followed HIM on foot from the towns.
14 When HE went ashore HE saw a great crowd, and HE had compassion on them and healed their sick............
........22 Immediately HE made the disciples get into the boat and go before HIM to the other side, while HE dismissed the crowds.
23 And after HE had dismissed the crowds, HE went up on the mountain BY HIMSELF TO PRAY. When evening came, HE was there alone."

Last Labor Day my wife and I visited the Gulf of Mexico for a brief time of rest and relaxation.  My overall demeanor the next week was noticeably improved as I was refreshed and recharged!  Over the years, I've noticed people, ESPECIALLY PASTORS, tend to be more tired and critical after they have been working for more than a few months with no break, no time to refresh and recharge?!?!

How many times did JESUS get alone with GOD?  No one knows for sure,   HE left the throngs of people following HIM, including HIS disciples, and just got alone with GOD numerous times!  In the scriptures above JESUS was trying to be alone with GOD (v13), but the people were desiring to see HIM.  After preaching and teaching AND feeding the crowd of 5,000 men (not counting women and children) (v21), JESUS finally got a chance to get away for time alone with the FATHER (v23) on a mountain!

JESUS had to make a conscious effort to get away from cares of "this world".  The English Standard Version uses the words "HE WITHDREW" from the people to be by HIMSELF.   That doesn't mean JESUS didn't love HIS disciples or the people, it tells me JESUS knew that being ALONE with GOD demanded a commitment from HIM that superseded HIS desire to serve, HIS desire to help others!!

Sometimes we need to be so bold as to WITHDRAW from our daily schedules and friends and be ALONE with GOD!  If we simply follow the example of JESUS CHRIST we will have no alternative but to WITHDRAW from all of the busyness that crowds our lives and BE STILL and know HE is GOD!  "HE WITHDREW", why should we be any different?!?!

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