Wednesday, September 21, 2016


In Genesis 3:1 the enemy is called the most crafty, shrewd, subtle, cunning and just plain sneaky in various translations of the Bible.  When you consider how many different means of deception he uses, it is rather astounding.  But when you consider how many Believers are snookered into getting caught up in his charade it almost is comical!  All he has to do is get two people of different races to disagree and the media from "this world" will blow it so far out of proportion that you would think World War III had been declared!

Why can't we see the REAL BATTLE (Ephesians 6:12) is "......against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places"?  It's not white against black, yellow against red, rich against poor, free against slave, Wall Street against Main Street, or any other barrier you want to insert in the blank.  All of these divisions are earthly divisions and are in NO WAY SPIRITUAL!!

Every time we allow a racial problem to rear its ugly head, we are admitting we are not Spiritual beings, and thus the enemy wins!  There are no answers for the problems of "this world" outside of the answers in the HOLY BIBLE!   Governments can spend all the money in the world but GOD has set in man's heart to require a "fix", and the only fix" is named JESUS CHRIST!!

Once we are BORN AGAIN we are commanded in 2 Corinthians 5:16 (ESV) to adhere to this; "FROM NOW ON, therefore, we regard NO ONE according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded CHRIST according to the flesh, we regard HIM thus no longer."  The way I read scripture, we are not allowed to see physical markers that "this world" uses to delineate people. We are Spiritual creatures and scripture mandates we act like Spiritual creatures!

Of course, many will not recognize from where true LIFE comes.  They are consumed with the life we now have, this rapidly passing, temporary existence that will be gone before we know it.  As long as the enemy can keep our focus on "this world", he has us right where he wants us.  Don't allow the great deceiver to bamboozle you into being deceived.  JESUS says many times in the New Testament that there will be "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" when Judgement Day comes!  In Matthew 13:42-43 HE then adds "he who has ears, let him hear"!  Can you hear???

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