Friday, September 2, 2016


John 11:32-37                          (ESV)
"32 Now when Mary came to where JESUS was and saw HIM, she fell at HIS feet, saying to HIM, "LORD, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
33 When JESUS saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, HE was deeply moved in HIS spirit and greatly troubled.
34 And HE said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to HIM, "LORD, come and see."
35 JESUS wept.
36 So the Jews said, "See how HE loved him!"
37 But some of them said, "COULD NOT HE" who opened the eyes of the blind man also have kept this man from dying?"

Our lives are so self centered, focused mainly on things we SEE happening around us.  One person can go through life without experiencing great difficulty or heartache while another has an almost Job-like life experience.  There are those who look directly at tragedies occurring, yet still can't SEE the breadth and depth of the situation that is happening right before them.

Lazarus was dearly loved by, not only JESUS, but others who knew him as well.  In John 11:1 scripture tells us that Lazarus was ill, so his demise was certainly no shock to most.  Death has a way of bringing out emotions that are difficult to predict, and certainly explain.  You have to look at the death of Lazarus from Heavenly eyes.  Mary was talking like Lazarus was lost somewhere, or something?  Personally, I would be upset if a relative of mine prayed me back to live in/on this earth when I could be in Heaven with GOD!  But JESUS brought Lazarus back to earth demonstrating that death had no powers over HIM.

Our physical lives WILL someday end, unless JESUS comes back while we are living.  Our SPIRIT is what we should be most concerned about?  Most of us feed our physical bodies at least three times daily, and some more times than that.  How healthy would a person be were they only to physically eat ONLY as often as they Spiritually feed themselves?  

It may be that we are placed in certain circumstances so GOD can gain glory from our lives?  If GOD gained glory from me coming back to life after being dead four days, I would gladly do that for HIM.  When the Jews ask "COULD NOT HE" have saved Lazarus from entering his eternal reward, JESUS may have seen a chance to glorify the FATHER by demonstrating that death wasn't something HE feared.  

In John 4:24 scripture records "GOD is SPIRIT....." and in Genesis 1:27 "So GOD created man in HIS OWN IMAGE....".  Do not be deceived by the ruler of "this world" that our physical lives is all that really matters, when in reality, our SPIRITUAL lives is what REALLY matters!  While JESUS was on earth HE performed MANY miraculous works, and no doubt could have performed more.  But unless our eyes are opened to SEE THE TRUTH, even we will be saying "COULD NOT HE" have done this or that.

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