Tuesday, September 6, 2016


1 Corinthians 1:27-30             (ESV)
"27 But "GOD CHOSE" what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; "GOD CHOSE" what is weak in the world to shame the strong;
28 "GOD CHOSE" what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,
30 And because of HIM you are in CHRIST JESUS, who became to us wisdom from GOD, righteousness and sanctification and redemption,"

At least on my social media it seems to be everybody is talking about their favorite college football team.   It's the first week of the NCAA college football season and that is all you hear about.  And I formerly was right there with them.  However, when I became older SPIRITUALLY I left behind the things of my youth!

Was/is that particular lifestyle the reason that America has devolved into what she has become?  When you love something or someone greater than something or someone else, that is what you spend most of your time and energy talking about.  Remembering when I met my wife 35 years ago (or so), there was nothing more important to me than spending time with her.  At times, she still dominates my conversation!

When you love the LORD the most in your life, it seems all you want to do is talk about HIM all the time.   Not even your grandchildren (and as far as I'm concerned, mine are the BEST!) are as important as telling someone about how majestic your LORD is.  And the most amazing part of this is GOD actually chooses whom HE gets to use!!!  John 6:44 says "No one can come to ME unless the FATHER WHO sent ME "draws" HIM. And I will raise him up on the last day."

Let's think about this for a minute, when JESUS was "choosing" HIS disciples, did HE offer to have "tryouts" to see who would develop into the most effective and beneficial servants for HIS ministry?  No, JESUS knew who would be just the right "tools" for HIM to accomplish HIS Plan.  HE could have chosen whom ever HE wished, but HE chose the twelve HE did because they had the "tools" HE could use to glorify HIS FATHER.  Even Saul/Paul was selected as in Acts 9:16 JESUS says Ananias "For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of MY name."  

Regardless of our "passions and desires", we don't have the luxury of wasting time on anything other than things that will not make a difference in eternity.  "GOD CHOSE" Abraham, not because Abraham was a "goody two shoes" who was weak and could not succeed in life without HIM. No, "GOD CHOSE" Abraham because of his FAITH that GOD is WHO HE said HE was/is!  Since "GOD CHOSE" me, I don't have the luxury of being caught up in the things of "this world"!  Being consumed with a sport or worldly endeavor might mean there is a part of me that is still yearning for "this world"?  Giving the appearance of not being SOLD OUT to the LORD is not something that I want to do with my life.  Although I have exhibited that behavior in the past, my passions and desires are now on other goals.  

We didn't CHOOSE to serve GOD because we are holier than thou!  "GOD CHOSE" us to be one of HIS servants!   "GOD CHOSE" us and that should excite us to talk about nothing other than HIM!  I'm not worthy and certainly do not deserve it, but "GOD CHOSE" me, and I'm so glad HE did!!!

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