Wednesday, September 28, 2016


2 Chronicles 7:14                 (KJV)
"14 "IF MY PEOPLE", which are called by MY name, shall HUMBLE THEMSELVES, and PRAY, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS; then will I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, and will FORGIVE THEIR SIN, and will HEAL THEIR LAND."

In May 2012 I began writing down my daily devotionals and sharing them on social media.  My first scripture to write about was 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Recently, while reading scriptures, I ran across this verse again. It was the Spirit of GOD was speaking to me new and afresh.  Here are a few thoughts that were placed in my heart.

We are not CALLED to be "Super Christians".  GOD does not have a need for people who are proud and arrogant regarding their walk with the LORD.  Isaiah 64:6 says our BEST, our righteousness, is nothing but "filthy rags" before a Holy GOD!  Even on our "good days" we fall short of the Holiness of ALMIGHTY GOD.  Psalms 51:17 says "The sacrifices of GOD are a BROKEN SPIRIT; a BROKEN and CONTRITE heart, O GOD, YOU WILL NOT DESPISE."  GOD desires for us to be servants to and for HIM!  Serving HIM cannot be done unless we recognize that we are worthless without HIS SPIRIT indwelling our earthly temples!

This verse never calls for other people, OR our leaders, to be to be Holy.  It doesn't say that if we select Godly people to guide our nation that we will experience prosperity.  It DOES say "IF MY PEOPLE" who are called by MY NAME shall HUMBLE THEMSELVES.....!  We are HIS PEOPLE and we are called by HIS NAME!  Yet at times I give the appearance that I am not only MY OWN MAN, but I do "just what I please"!  That is NOT the way GOD created us, nor do we have the intelligence to the keep our lives out of serious issues or problems.

JESUS said in Matthew 7:14 "For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and THOSE WHO FIND IT ARE FEW"!!!  We are privileged to be CHOSEN!  "IF MY PEOPLE" would return to acting like HIS PEOPLE, without all of the arrogance and pride that is profoundly currently displayed, maybe then HE could hear from Heaven and heal our land??  HEAVENLY FATHER, may I come before YOUR THRONE with humility, seeking mercy, for my wretched soul!  Since I am a child of the KING, cause me to come before YOU like "IF MY PEOPLE" should!!

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