Friday, September 16, 2016


Mark 10:27                        (ESV)
"JESUS looked at them and said, "With man it is "IMPOSSIBLE", but not with GOD. For all things are possible with GOD."

There are THINGS that happen at the oddest of times that have absolutely no explanation as to why they occurred when they did?!?  Not long ago on a social media site Billy Graham's wall had a story about Franklin Graham and he asked a question "Will you pray for the people of the USA to turn to GOD"?  Two posts later on my screen the was a older meme saying "I have a BIG GOD that can do BIG miracles!"  Was it just "coincidence" that these two posts were so close to each other?  Does GOD have a Plan for another GREAT AWAKENING?  Surely that would be "IMPOSSIBLE"?  But "all things are possible with GOD."

Far too many times people in today's modern day society don't want to take time to observe what is happening, or how an occurrence is coming about, instead we just shake our heads in amazement and proceed with the 'busyness' of our lives!  Many want to SAY we are "Christians", but are we "CHRIST-like" in our actions?  JESUS, the CHRIST, said very plainly in scripture "With man it is "IMPOSSIBLE", but not with GOD. For all things are possible with GOD."  JESUS had NO DOUBT that GOD would deliver on HIS promises, yet HE had to display HIS obedience to set an example for us, even obedience to death on the CROSS (Philippians 2:8)!

It has been said "You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to"!  But what if that ANYTHING is opposed to GOD's purpose and Plan for your life?  Does GOD's Plan always call for everything to be easy and fun in our lives?  How do you reconcile that theory with John 16:33 which says "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world YOU WILL have tribulation (persecution, suffering). But take heart; I have overcome the world."  The words "you will" are just as much as a promise from GOD as Romans 8:28, but no one wants to talk about the struggles and difficulties that cause us to grow into tools that can be used to glorify GOD and for HIS Plan!

Is it POSSIBLE for us to live a life free from turmoil and strife?  I'm sure it probably is POSSIBLE, for with GOD nothing is "IMPOSSIBLE"!  Isaiah 48:10-11 says "Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I HAVE TRIED YOU IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION.  For MY own sake, for MY own sake, I do it, for how should MY name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another."  Nothing is "IMPOSSIBLE" with GOD, so don't try to say GOD wouldn't do something when you don't have a WORD from HIM about what HE is trying to do.  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause my life to be used for YOUR glory, and use me to show "this world" that NOTHING SHALL BE "IMPOSSIBLE" WITH YOU!!!

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