Tuesday, September 13, 2016


2 Timothy 1:6-7                                        (ESV)
"6 For this reason I remind you to FAN INTO FLAME the gift of GOD, which is in you through the laying on of my hands,
7 for GOD gave us a spirit not of fear but of "POWER" and "LOVE" and "SELF-CONTROL"."

Have you ever tried to get damp kindling to light into a fire without an accelerant?  It is not the easiest thing to accomplish.  It can actually be considered WORK when the material to burn isn't dried out and primed for ignition.  It is much easier to have "seasoned" material that is ready to be consumed by the proposed fire, something that is prepared for the purpose for which it was intended!

We are the made similarly.  GOD gave us NOT the spirit of fear or failure.  Having a spirit of fear, failure, doubt or worrying only displays that we DON'T know WHO is in control!  Not recognizing that GOD is in control is liken to trying to light DAMP WOOD and trying to FAN it INTO FLAME?  It's almost impossible to accomplish!  However when we are prepared for the purpose for which we are intended (and our kindling is dried out) we tend to operate more efficiently.

When we exhibit a Spirit of POWER we show the devil that GOD is in charge of our lives.  We cannot try operating in our own power, for that would be disastrous!

1 John says that GOD IS LOVE!  If we are living for HIM then HIS SPIRIT is living inside of our bodies (John 17:23).  Allowing HIS SPIRIT of LOVE to thrive in our lives is the most fatal blow to the enemy!  When the devil sees LOVE shining in our lives, he knows that GOD is in control of our lives!

The Spirit of SELF-CONTROL might be the most difficult trait to exhibit in our lives?  In Galatians 5:16-26 the characteristics of a SPIRIT filled life are discussed, and the final one mentioned is SELF-CONTROL!  If we allow the enemy even just a little room in our lives, he will take so much more than we ever intended for him to take.

Showing this world that we are willing to "FAN INTO FLAME" of the GIFT we have been given is sometimes hard work.  But we have to understand that GOD GAVE US a spirit of "POWER, LOVE, and SELF-CONTROL" and only through HIM can the FLAME become a FIRE!  Going through "the wilderness" may not be enjoyable, but gaining GOD's gifts of "POWER, LOVE, and SELF-CONTROL" will be worth the journey!!!

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