Monday, December 11, 2017


Romans 8:5-8                                (ESV)
“5 For those who live according to the flesh “SET THEIR MINDS” on the things of the FLESH, but those who live according to the SPIRIT “SET THEIR MINDS” on the things of the SPIRIT.
6 For to set the mind on the FLESH IS DEATH, but to set the mind on the SPIRIT IS LIFE and peace.
7 For the mind that is set on the FLESH IS HOSTILE TO GOD, FOR IT DOES NOT SUBMIT TO GOD’s LAW; indeed, it cannot.

With all of the hustle, bustle of the CHRISTMAS season it can become overly simple to get caught up in OUR business and NOT seek THE LORD and HIS PLAN for our lives.  Colossians 3:2 says “SET YOUR MINDS on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.", but sometimes I don’t obey what HIS WORD instructs me to do.  We can make excuses that PRESSURES of this life are stronger than they once were, but in Romans 5 it is written rather plainly that we have a choice, to “SET YOUR MINDS” on the things of the FLESH, or to “SET YOUR MINDS” on the things of the SPIRIT”!  

To set the mind on the FLESH IS DEATH, yet sometimes I CHOOSE to blatantly disobey GOD and HIS Principles for my own self gratification.  It’s not as if the enemy deceives me and I just didn’t SEE that I was doing the wrong thing.  I intentionally elect to do the wrong things out of weakness or selfish motives.  Most of the time I attempt to begin my sentences with something other than the word “I”.  But when you are focused on “I” it becomes difficult to accomplish that.  

But to set the mind on the SPIRIT IS LIFE and peace!  We have a CHOICE to CHOOSE life and peace or the ways of the enemy.  FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to CHOOSE life and peace over the things of “this world” and it’s temporary rewards.  To “SET THEIR MINDS” on something is to start becoming more that way.   Our desire should be to “SET THEIR MINDS” on the things of the SPIRIT!  

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